22 May 2016

Ebony Holdings Introduces Vantage Flexi Waist Trousers To Sri Lanka

Ebony Holdings, the organisation behind brands such as Vantage, Luxure, Flash and Ebony, has introduced Flexi Waist Trousers for the first time in Sri Lanka.

In keeping with the company’s vision of enhancing personality and lifestyle, the team set forth to identify and address the most pressing issue faced by individuals with regard to fashion and clothing.

The Flexi Waist Trouser has a unique way of adjusting itself as much as one to two inches based on the waist of the user – without the need for any alterations. With its feel-good factor, it gives an extra boost of confidence while making the wearer look good. Moreover, it gives complete control over fashion, despite size or age.

The Flexi Waist Trouser is also of the highest quality, with the world’s finest fabrics sewn together to give the perfect blend of quality and comfort. Ebony Holdings also showed their encouragement to Himasha Eashan, South Asia’s fastest sprinter, by giving the first Vantage Flexi Waist Trouser at the product launch. Despite having additional benefits, the Flexi Waist Trouser is priced on a level with other brands.


Business Today